Tuesday 26 July 2016

See Ya Simon Book Cover

This is our class novel that we started today. We had to create a new book cover, this is mine.


  1. Hey Alex,
    I liked how you explained about this book, it is very cool how you did it, & i really liked how you put some very col pictures about the characters

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Alex,
    I liked how you explained about this book, it is very cool how you did it, & i really liked how you put some very cool pictures about the characters

  4. Kia Ora Alex, I it's Richard. I really like that you have put some picture they look great. Where did you find the pictures? Maybe next time you could write who wrote the book because I Would to read the book. But the book cover still looks Miharo (amazing)
    from Richard

  5. hi Alex I had really like the picture's that you had put great work!!!


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